Professional Procrastinator and GTD - Which Apps Are Really Helping You?

I have read that the human brain is wired for procrastination. Here’s my usual pattern which I guess is pretty common: I have some long-due task that I keep pushing back until it starts haunting me. As I’m still not ready to tackle it, I start looking for some new toy that would sweeten the pill.

I’ve thus tested every GTD application under the sun but keep coming back to TaskPaper and Things, mixing the two sometimes, to really end up getting something done.

In the past, I also tried Merlin Project despite my revulsion for Gantt charts. I’m giving it a new go this week and I find their holistic approach very refreshing. To sum it up, you start with a mind map view, switching to a Gantt chart or kanban view with simple keyboard shortcuts without losing hold of your tasks organisation. This gives you a better global vision of your goals and progress.

If task management is a topic that may concern you, read their fictional booklet titled The Relocation: A demo project in Merlin Project (PDF version).

What about you? Which tools work best for you and why?

Please share your thoughts and your own approach.

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